Try It Out

Now that you have the basics down, let’s try out a short scenario. First, you’ll need a character. On the next page, you’ll find a template. Most of the game characteristic information is filled in. The attributes and skills are listed in two columns on the left-hand side of the page. The attributes names — Agility, Coordination, Physique, Charisma, Intellect, Acumen, and Extranormal — are printed in bold above the lighter skill names. There are more skills in the game than the ones listed on this sheet, but these are the ones commonly associated with the type of profession this template is supposed to represent.

In the center column, below the chain line, are some more characteristics. Fate Points and Character Points show the number of these special roll-improving bonuses your character currently has. Funds and silver are measures of how much wealth your character can usually get at.

In the far right column, you’ll see Advantages, Disadvantages, Special Abilities, and a description of your character. These give you an idea about the kind of character that you’re playing. The equipment paragraph lists the items your character can use during the game.

Below that, you’ll find “Strength Damage.” This shows how much harm your character can cause with brute force. Underneath this is “Move.” This characteristic lists the number of meters your character can easily walk in five seconds.

After those, you’ll see the Body Points, Wound levels, and the related Body Point ranges for your character. Each of these represents how much injury your character can take. This short adventure won’t use Wounds or the Body Points range, so you can ignore them. Instead, you only need to keep in mind the Body Points number.

Now that you can find your way around a character template, let’s fill in the missing game characteristics. To keep it easy, pick seven skills that you want your character to have experience or training in. Look at the die code next to the attribute that the first skill is listed under, and add one to the number in front of the “D.” Write this new die code next to the skill. Do this for each of the seven skills you picked.

Example: If you decided to put 1D in climbing, your score for climbing would be your Agility score plus one, or 4D+1.

Then fill in the top of the sheet, if you’d like, with your character’s name and other details.
In addition to your character sheet, you’ll need a pencil and some six-sided dice, one of which should be a different color or size than the others. This special die is your Wild Die. As you go through this scenario, don’t read the sections in order. Instead, start with number 1, make a selection, and read the section where your selection tells you to go. Keep doing that until you get to section 15, which is the end. Then you’ll be ready for your first Six-Sided Fantasy adventure!

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